Tacoma Narrows Monochord is a new percussion theater and media performance work that instrumentalizes archival footage and historical narratives related to the Puget Sound in Washington State. This multi-movement “pocket media-opera” features 20 video, sound and movement interactions. The video consists of archival footage from the Wende Museum and Archive of the Cold War, footage …
A Hundred Ghosts – I Say Again Echo – A soundtrack to the Apollo 11 moon landing in daydreams and night terrors. For solo eight string bass/guitar hybrid and Ghosts real-time effects software. Reflections on the vastness of space and the distance from home. Houston begins to repeat, “I say again echo“. Time slows to a halt as the signal …
Feedback Piano I-XI Prepared piano and software Ambient feedback installations which use the strings of a piano extend the apparent resonance of a space. Featured on MakeTV episode 109 and the NWEAMO Festival. Yearlong installation at San Diego State University’s Electronic Music Studios allowed remote collaborators around the world to use the Feedback Piano as an …
EchoThief – Noise-resistant acoustic measurement tool used to create high resolution impulse responses. Using this new technology, I have created a large public library of impulse responses of unique sonic spaces. This library makes the resonant character of each space available in audio production as a reverberator. EchoThief has been licensed by dozens of video games, …